WooCommerce 3.0 – woocommerce_free_price_html – No Longer Working

Feb 14, 2018

WooCommerce 3.0 – woocommerce_free_price_html – No Longer Working

This post was originally created on our sister site WP Cover.
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February 14, 2018

WooCommerce 3.0 has arrived!  While many are jumping for joy at new features & improved code, there’s some of us that have had to devote some time to putting out fires.  WooCommerce 3.0 depreciated, added, and modified some important filters & API requests that were working in 2.0 causing client bugs.  One issue we’ve recently come across is with the following filters:

  • woocommerce_free_price_html
  • woocommerce_variable_free_price_html
  • woocommerce_variation_free_price_html

Our previous function as shown below, was utilized with Advanced Custom Fields to manipulate the text that was displayed when the product price was set to $0.00:


add_filter( 'woocommerce_variable_free_price_html','wpcover_free_price_text' );
add_filter( 'woocommerce_free_price_html','wpcover_free_price_text' );
add_filter( 'woocommerce_variation_free_price_html','wpcover_free_price_text' );

function wpcover_free_price_text( $price ) {
	global $post;
	if(get_field('wpc_price_headline', $post->ID)) {
		return get_field('wpc_price_headline', $post->ID);
	} else {
		return '$10 / Per Team';

As you can see from the above snippet, the code would check if the price of a simple or variable product had a regular price of $0.00. If so, it checked to see if the product had a valve in the Advanced Custom Field of wpc_price_headline, if not it returned some standard text.

What Happened & The Fix

Information on why exactly this filter stop working was hard to come by. From what I did find within the WooCommerce site, it was depreciated due to localization issues. However, the fix was pretty straight-forward and worked nicely, here is what I did:

add_filter( 'woocommerce_get_price_html','wpcover_free_price_text' );

function wpcover_free_price_text( $price, $product ) {
	global $post;
	global $product;
	$pprice = $product->get_price();
	if($pprice == '0.00') {
		if(get_field('wpc_price_headline', $post->ID)) {
			return get_field('wpc_price_headline', $post->ID);
		} else {
			return '$10 / Per Team';

There’s your fix!

The post WooCommerce 3.0 – woocommerce_free_price_html – No Longer Working appeared first on WP Cover.

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